Discover Your Roots Tour to Western Ukraine

Friday June 4 - Monday June 21, 2010

It is yet, to early to determine the costs for 2009. In 2007 the Tour cost $3555.00 Air/land rate per person in Canadian funds based on double occupancy. For single occupancy was added an additional $600.00

Booking Procedures


Tentative Itinerary

The Toronto Ukrainian Genealogical Group (TUGG) invites you to a “Discover Your Roots” tour of Western Ukraine.


The tour will cover Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Kyiv and possibly Chernivtsi if the numbers wishing to visit it are sufficient. Unfortunately, the Chernivtsi leg of the 2007 Tour had to be cancelled due to an insufficient response.You will be spending a number of days in each location both as researchers and as tourists.

You will visit the archives which hold information on your ancestors. You can also make side trips to their villages where you can walk in their footsteps.


Seeing Ukraine, First-Hand

The two biggest attractions in Ukraine are most likely the country's natural beauty and its rich history. The country's origins go back many hundreds of years and more than 500 of the cities date back some 900 years. Cities such as these – as well as many others which are only a few hundred years behind them – are enriched with monuments, buildings, archaeological sites and incredible palaces. They boast all sorts of interesting things to see and do. This is the main reason why so many travel to Ukraine.


Ukraine is home to 300 museums, seven national historical and cultural preserves and over 150 different examples of culture, history, archaeology, cities, palaces, parks and architecture. Clearly, the country well caters to the demands of tourism. It also houses some 80% of all the monuments left behind from the Kyivan Rus era – some of which are most remarkable such as the Kyivan Cave Monastry and St. Sophia's Cathedral. These monuments are of such historical significance that they have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Travel in Ukraine is a must. Most tourist organizations offer you transport between the various attractions and cities but you can also make up a sort of do-it-yourself tour if you are feeling a bit brave. Whatever you choose, make sure that you make the most out of your time in Ukraine.


This tour is designed to provide the perfect mix of both sightseeing and dedicated research time at various archives.


Here, you can take yourself off from the normal tourist trails and discover your own unique connection to Ukraine. Visit the towns and villages where your ancestors lived, the churches which they worshipped in and the fields and hills in which they walked. You will definitely feel that you are stepping back to the time of your ancestors.


Bring your past into the present and gain a fascinating insight into the lives of your ancestors. This is not only a trip of a lifetime, but a trip of lifetimes!


 The Current time in Kiev is





Discover Your Heritage!


Who are your ancestors?


Discover your own history!


Have you completed your

Family Tree?


Who is missing?


Research not only into your PAST,

but also into your future!


Most of our ancestors probably came over on a boat. Have you ever wanted to have more information about them? What was their life like in Ukraine before they came over? What prompted them to come to North America? Where did they come from?


Many people, especially as they grow older, have had these thoughts but do not know where to start their search. Some think that there are no records around, for them to search, especially if their ancestor’s village was destroyed during WW I and II.


Today, there is hope for people in these situations. First, there are Archives in Ukraine which have opened up to the public following the creation of the new Ukrainian state. Second, there is an organization for those interested in finding their Ukrainian roots, here in Toronto, called the Toronto Ukrainian Genealogical Group (TUGG).



“Genealogy is a fascinating and rewarding field of research, which involves working like a detective. Our search for our roots gives us a window on our place in the world. If we do more than the basic list it can be interesting to ourselves and to our children and grandchildren. I believe that every person, every parent, should have at least a brief biographical outline to pass on to our children or our community.” -Andrew Gregorovich







The Goals of this Tour include:

  • Visiting the Oblast Archives to find information on your
  • Visiting the villages they
    came from.
  • Connecting with known and unknown relatives.
  • Seeing Ukraine first-hand.
  • Enjoy being a tourist in


Map Showing the Provinces
of Ukraine


Sample Letters
to a Village Mayor


Current CNN.COM weather

in Ukraine for:







Taras Shevchenko